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Make your new tab truly yours

Create a new tab page that suits your style and needs

Anori - customizable new tab page screenshot

Supported browsers

Batteries included

Anori provides 12 built-in widgets like tasks, notes, weather, recently closed pages, bookmarks and more. Now they will always be just one click away.
Embedded page
RSS reader
Powerful calculator
World time
Internet search
Recently closed tabs
Top sites
Anori - customizable new tab page screenshot

Choose your style

Anori comes with 8 pre-packed themes to match your style.
Not satisfied? You can create your own theme!
Anori - customizable new tab page screenshot
Really great bro, huge respect
MiftikCZ about Anori

But that's not all!

Multiple folders
Can't fit all widgets in single screen? Want to separate context? Folders to the rescue! Create as many folders as you need.
Doesn’t spy on you
All sensitive permissions are only requested when you add a widget that calls for them. Read more on how Anori handles your data.
Open source
You can study Anori's source code or create your own plugins for it. For details refer to GitHub repo.

Download Anori